IGF-1 LR3 vs IGF DES 1,3 | Buy IGF-1 LR3 & IGF DES 1,3

IGF-1 LR3 vs IGF DES 1,3 | Buy IGF-1 LR3 & IGF DES 1,3


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Although functionally related, IGF-1 LR3 and IGF DES 1,3 are two different compounds with different structures and degree of actions. This article will aim to explore the thin line that separates these closely related compounds in order to be able to identify them uniquely, for further research.

It will also attempt to fill readers in on what they must know about these two compounds, including their side effects, and further side-by-side analysis. Additional information will be posted on where you can go to buy them for any desired biological engineering or research purpose.


IGF-1 LR3 stands for Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Long Arginine 3.

The compound is a non-natural or artificial protein. It is a longer prototype of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 ( IGF-1 ). Structurally, IGF-1 LR3 differs from its patent compound due to the presence of an Arginine in place of a glutamic acid at the third position of its amino acid sequence. Also, there is a presence of extra thirteen amino acids located in the N-terminus. This makes it loosely attracted to Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins ( IGFBPs ).

The significance of this weak attraction towards IGFBPs is that the compound is able to exert increased pharmacological action in animal subjects, since IGFBPs decrease pharmacological activity of hormones which are strongly drawn to it.

On the other hand, IGF DES 1,3 stands for Insulin-like Growth Factor Desamino 1,3. It a natural variant of IGF-1 and extracted from human brain, porcine uterus and bovine colostrum. The compound lacks the first three amino acids located at the N-terminus which are present in the parent compound. The absence of these peptides provide it lesser affinity to IGFBPs, thereby boosting its efficacy because it will remain in the host body long enough to exert the desired pharmacological actions; cell proliferation. Both compounds are largely more potent than their parent compound; the IGF-1, in triggering hyperplasia or cellular mitosis upon injection into animal subject.


To achieve even higher results than their parent IGF-1, IGF DES 1,3 and IGF-1 LR3 were independently used on animal subjects for trials. It was observed that they acted by binding to Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein ( IGFBP ) in varying degree. IGF-1 LR3 stays in the host’s body for as long as 20-30 hours. Such long half-life means it is able to exert its pharmacological actions in the host’s body for the same length of time. IGF Des 1,3 had a shorter half-life and lasts in the host’s body for as little as 30 minutes, however that does not reduce its efficacy as a different approach in dosing it to laboratory rats made it more potent than its sister analogue compound – the IGF-1 LR3.

IGF-1 LR3 reduced the transport of glucose molecules into body cells, thereby triggering the use of triglycerides or fat cells in synthesizing energy for body use. Burning down of fat cells meant increase in the weight of real muscle.

IGF Des 1, 3 on the other hand blinded to receptors of cells that are already deteriorated due to production of lactic acid during exercise. This means that they could be used and can quickly bind to these receptors of worn-out cells and trigger cellular division and hyperplasia during exercise.


Both analogue compounds of IGF-1 acted as endocrine growth factors that had improved anabolic effects on the animal host’s muscular tissue, even though in varying degrees as IGF DES 1,3 was more potent than IGF-1 LR3 in achieving the same result.

IGF DES 1,3 was injected into animal subject several times in a day before subjecting the rats into physical activities. Specific muscles of the rats were dosed with a measured vial of the compound. In less than two weeks, massive hyperplasia had occurred in the injected muscles as the cells in the tissues of those muscle had repeatedly proliferated.

While IGF-1 Des 1,3 was administered in localized body parts for development of only those body parts, IGF-1 LR3 on the other hand was administered into a part of an animal subject for an overall body effect or development. Also, that IGF-1 LR3 lasts for more than 20hours in the host’s body meant that it had a longer half-life compared to IGF Des 1,3’s thirty minutes half-life. These two reasons explain why IGF Des 1,3 vials had to be injected into animal subjects repeatedly in order to have a more significant results of hyperplasia.

Certain side effects were however recorded from use of these compounds on laboratory rats. Cases of dangerously low blood sugar content were specifically observed after serial administrations of IGF Des 1,3 in animal subjects. Both compounds also enhanced proliferation of cancerous cells in rats diagnosed of having cancerous tumours. IGF Des 1,3 in particular caused reversed testicular atrophy in male Rats that have withered testicles.


IGF-1 LR3 and IGF DES 1,3 are available at Loti Labs. IGF-1 LR3 and IGF DES 1,3 are commonly sold in 1mg vials and should be stored UN-reconstituted at a temperature of -20 degrees C.

The purity of this compound can be ascertained using these analysis techniques;

  • RP-HPLC (Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
  • SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis).

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