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Recently, there has been a lot of advances in managing acute and chronic injuries, paying attention to new therapeutic recommendations. Experimental studies suggest that various peptides heal injuries. The topical application of growth factors accelerated the healing of full-thickness wounds in rats.

Healing injuries is quite a complex pathophysiologic process. It involves coagulation and hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and scar tissue formation.

BPC-157, a synthetic peptide, may have unique powers for healing injuries, because, during its research in animal models, it reduced lesions in almost all organs, at very low dosages. Research is needed to find out if the healing effect of BPC-157 will benefit other species. Some of the world’s top researchers are currently working to determine if BPC-157 has these potentially life-changing properties.


BPC-157 stands for Body Protection Compound. It is also known as Bepecin, PL 14736, and PL10. It is a synthetic stable gastric pentadecapeptide consisting of fifteen amino acids (Gly-Glu-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly-Lys-Pro-Ala-Asp-Asp-Ala-Gly-Leu-Val). It is a partial sequence of BPC that is isolated from the gastric juice of humans. It is synthetic because it doesn’t share similarities with any natural gastric peptides. It is more stable than other peptides and withstands stomach acid degradation for at least 24 hours.


Studies show that BPC-157 may have significant healing properties in various tissues, including but not limited to the tendon, ligament, skeletal muscle, and bone. Current research in animal test subjects, suggests BPC-157 may influence several growth factors usually involved in angiogenesis (the production of blood vessels) and other factors involved in regeneration following damage. It is in a clinical trial for treating inflammatory bowel disease. Below are several examples of the unique healing powers of BPC-157 in rats.

In corneal epithelial injuries

In a study, with albino Wistar rats, circular lesions were induced in the right eye. Immediately after, BPC-157 eye drops were administered and later assessed in intervals of 8 hours. The lesions reduced in size considerably and showed that BPC-157 was effective in promoting corneal epithelial injuries, and this depended on the dose used.

In gastrointestinal injuries

BPC-157 may heal intestinal anastomoses and fistulas in rats. This is achieved even when BPC-157 therapy is postponed for one month. It increases weight in short-bowel syndrome. Villus height, crypt depth, and muscle thickness also increase. Therefore, BPC-157 may improve gastrointestinal tract therapy.

In spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injury generally involves the preclusion of neural relays across the lesion site and is thereby predictably associated with a lack of functional improvement. Also, there is evidence that spinal cord injury triggers a cascade of secondary degenerative events that cause further damage to the injured area and induce local inflammation along with hemorrhage and edema.

All the injured rats that received BPC-157 exhibited consistent clinical improvement, increasingly better motor function of the tail, no autotomy, and resolved spasticity by day 15 on the peptide. BPC-157 can improve the healing course of spinal cord injury and lead to functional recovery.

In ligament and tendon injuries

Due to a limited blood supply, the spontaneous healing of both tendons and ligaments is poor. Following transection of the Achilles tendon in rats, BPC-157 improved recovery, and subsequently, full tendon integrity was re-established. Similar results were also seen in rat models investigating injuries of the medial collateral ligament. BPC-157 showed improvement in the MCL healing 90 days after surgical transection. It was given once daily intraperitoneally or locally as a thin layer at the site of injury and was effective just after 30mins.

In traumatic brain injuries

BPC-157 has been shown to have beneficial effects on inflammation, hemorrhage, and edema after traumatic brain injury and various severe encephalopathies that follow gastrointestinal or liver lesions, insulin or NSAID overdose. BPC-157 counteracted the otherwise progressing course increasing the levels of proinflammatory and procachectic cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α.

In sciatic nerve injuries

BPC-157 has shown to improve sciatic nerve healing when applied intraperitoneally, intragastrically, or locally at the site of anastomosis shortly after an injury.

In blood vessel injuries

BPC-157 was shown to have strong angiogenic potential, protecting the endothelium, preventing and reversing thrombus formation after abdominal aorta anastomosis. It acts through different vasoactive pathways and systems and leads to the optimization of the healing process.

In esophageal sphincter injuries

In rat esophagitis and failure of both lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and pyloric sphincters (PS), BPC-157 increased pressure in both sphincters till it normalizes and reduced esophagitis. However, in healthy rats, it may decrease (PS) or increase (LES) pressure.

In musculoskeletal injuries

BPC-157, given without a carrier, showed improved healing of the transected quadriceps muscle. It also improved muscle healing in rats with muscle crush injury when applied systemically or locally. Importantly, it counteracted corticosteroid-impairment in tendon to bone healing. Therefore, BPC-157 is proposed as an effective treatment that can improve muscle healing in spite of corticosteroid treatment.

In chemical skin injuries

Studies investigated the effect of topical BPC-157 treatment on chemical burns and found it to accelerate wound closure following an alkali burn.


You can purchase BPC-157 from Loti Labs. Buy peptides which are USA-made for the integrity of your research. It is tested through HPLC and Mass spectrometry to ensure quality.


  1. N. Gabric, R. Lazic, I. Dekaris, D. Bosnar, I. Cima, A. Boban-Blagaic, P. Sikiric; Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 and its Role in Corneal Epithelial Injuries Healing in Rats. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2003;44(13):3821. doi:
  1. Perovic, D., Kolenc, D., Bilic, V. et al. Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 can improve the healing course of spinal cord injury and lead to functional recovery in rats. J Orthop Surg Res 14, 199 (2019).
  1. Gwyer, D., Wragg, N.M. & Wilson, S.L. Cell Tissue Res (2019) 377: 153.
  1. Cerovecki T, Bojanic I, Brcic L, et al. Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) improves ligament healing in the rat. J Orthop Res. 2010;28(9):1155–1161. doi:10.1002/jor.21107
  1. Pevec, Danira & Novinscak, Tomislav & Brcic, Luka & Sipos, Kristijan & Jukic, Ivana & Mario, Staresinic & Mise, Sandro & Iva, Brcic & Kolenc, Danijela & Kliček, Robert & Banic, Tihomir & Sever, Marko & Kocijan, Ana & Berkopic, Lidija & Radic, Bozo & Buljat, Gojko & Anic, Tomislav & Zoricic, Ivan & Bojanic, Ivan & Sikiric, Predrag. (2010). Impact of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on muscle healing impaired by systemic corticosteroid application. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. 16. BR81-88.

Gwyer, Daniel; Wragg, Nicholas M.; Wilson, Sammy (2019): Gastric pentadecapeptide body protection compound BPC 157 and its role in accelerating musculoskeletal soft tissue healing. figshare. Journal contribution.

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